Do you look at your phone or screen a lot? Like right now? Do you? Then there’s a good chance that sooner or later your vision will get a little blurry.
When it happens, you will ignore it for a while. Some time later, you will notice it more and more often and start looking for an eye clinic. And that is when you will come across our work.
You will hear an interview on the radio with the head of the Lexum clinic. On the internet, you will come across an article about eye defects and start looking for more information.
At that moment, our search engine performance campaigns and social media banners will target you. We will hook you with clever remarketing campaigns. On Facebook and Instagram, you will find some interesting content we have prepared for you. For example, what blurred vision can mean and what can you do about it.
We will discreetly guide you to a no-obligation consultation with a doctor at the Lexum eye clinic. You will get to know the clinic environment and have a same-day surgery performed with confidence.
With newly improved eyesight and fresh enthusiasm, you will write a short review and thank the doctors and nurses at the Lexum eye clinic for their great work. Your review can then be read on the clinic’s Facebook or Instagram profiles.
This is what our PR and digital agency services can look like from your target audience’s perspective. Let us know if you want similarly smart and functional communication campaigns for your products or services.